Search and replace in Linux
This post is about some commands to search and replace strings in Linux.
SDF simulation notes
This article documents the problems I came across while doing Standard Delay Format (SDF) simulations (not generating SDF files).
SVN Commands
This article contains some useful svn commands.
Verilog wire or reg for input and output
This article explains whether we should use wire or reg for input and output.
Verilog `@(posedge clk)`
This article explains and compares several
@(posedge clk)
statements.SimVison Guide
This article introduces how to use SimVision, which is an HDL simulation tool by Cadence. This article includes basic operations and some tips.
Vivado ila for Vitis flow on Alveo
This article introduces how to implement ila modules and debug with it for hardware design. This is within the scope of Alveo platform and Vitis design flow. For other devices and flows, the process could be a little different.
Screen Commands
This article is about the usage of
command. This command is a terminal multiplexer.AXI protocol
This article explains the AXI protocol. Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) is a parallel high performance, synchronous, high-frequency communication interface. It is also a burst-based protocol. AXI is used a lot for on-chip communication.
Vi Skills
This article contains some useful skills in Vi/Vim.
Vitis HLS AXI interfaces
TODO: This article contains some useful info about HLS interfaces.
Alveo design flow
TODO: This article contains some useful info for Alveo design flow.
Git Commands
This article contains some useful git commands.
Shell .bashrc settings
This article contains some settings I used for the
configuration file during my study and work.Chrome Shortcuts
This post is about how to level up your productivity by using keyboard shortcuts in the popular web browser Chrome.
Log CPU Usage
This post is about how to monitor and log CPU usage with simple commands on Linux.
TCP/IP connection throughput
This post is about some basic concepts and the possible bottlenecks of the TCP/IP connection.
This post is about some problems related to SSH in Linux.
Manage jobs in shell
This page contains some hacks I learned and used during my study and work to manage jobs in shell. I applied them mostly because they are cool or useful. These hacks help me to feel cool myself. I write them down here in the hope that they can make your work easier.
Linux file related commands
This post is about some commands related to file in Linux.
Welcome to Jekyll!
This blog is created using Jekyll and its minima theme. This page works as a template.
Customize Bash Shell Prompt
This is all about the Linux environment variable
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