AXI protocol
This article explains the AXI protocol. Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) is a parallel high performance, synchronous, high-frequency communication interface. It is also a burst-based protocol. AXI is used a lot for on-chip communication.
- Resources
- Two handshake signals
- xVALID: driven by source to inform that data is valid
- xREADY: driven by receiver to show it is ready to receive data
- when both xVALID and xREADY is high, a transfer is occurred.
- two rules (this is important!)
- source must not wait xREADY to assert xVALID
- source must keep a high xVALID until a handshake occurs
- Read Address channel (AR)
- Read Data channel (R)
- Write Address channel (AW)
- Write Data channel (W)
- Write Response channel (B)
Being a subset of AXI4, AXI4-Lite fully compatible with AXI4 devices.
AXI Stream
The AXI4-Stream protocol defines a single channel for transmission of streaming data. The AXI4-Stream channel is modeled after the Write Data channel of the AXI4.