This article introduces how to use SimVision, which is an HDL simulation tool by Cadence. This article includes basic operations and some tips.

To Start

$ simvision waves.shm/ &


  1. Design Browser: Scope and signals
  2. Waveform Window
  3. Source Browser
  4. Schematic Tracer
  5. more…

One can easily trace one signal and jump between these windows by clicking the Send To buttons on the upper right of the toolbar (or right-clicking/double-clicking).


Category Operation Shortcut
Waveform Zoom in x i
Waveform Zoom out x o
Waveform Zoom full x =
Navigate Next edge Ctrl+]
Navigate Prev edge Ctrl+[
Edit Create group Ctrl+g
Edit Create bus Ctrl+b
Edit Ungroup Ctrl+Shift+g
Window Send to waveform Ctrl+w
Format Radix Hex Ctrl+Shift+h
Format Radix Bin Ctrl+Shift+b
Format Radix Dec Ctrl+Shift+d


To edit fonts

  1. Create file Xdefault in ~/.simvision/, or copy the file /share/cdssetup/simvision/app-defaults/SimVision as it
  2. Add Simvision*Font line (which controls the default font) to it as the following scripts
! global settings 
Simvision*foreground: black 
Simvision*background: #dfdfdf 
Simvision*Font: -courier-medium-r-normal--12-------*
Simvision*SrcBrowser.fixedFont: --courier-medium-r-normal--12- 
Simvision*SrcBrowser.valueFont: --courier-medium-r-normal--10-
