This post is about how to monitor and log CPU usage with simple commands on Linux.

Command top

The command top can show both the current running process and the hardware resources usage.

Here are some simple usage of top:

$ top

# show usage per cpu core
$ top

# filter by user
$ top
u <user_name>

# filter by expression
$ top
o COMMAND=<command_of_interest>

# to save configuration to ~/.toprc
$ top

To monitor/log CPU usage

Monitor CPU usage of a command

$ top -c -p $(pgrep -d',' -f iperf)
# show top with COMMAND=iperf

Show CPU per core usage

# first change configuration
$ top
# then display the per core usage
$ top -bn 1 | grep -P "^(%|top)"

Log CPU usage to a file

# save top 10 most CPU hungary process to file ps.log every 5 seconds
$ while true; do (echo "%CPU %MEM ARGS $(date)" && ps -e -o pcpu,pmem,args --sort=pcpu | cut -d" " -f1-5 | tail) >> ps.log; sleep 5; done

# Simply save the uptime info to file uptime.log every 1 seconds
$ while true; do uptime >> uptime.log; sleep 1; done
