This article contains some useful skills in Vi/Vim.

Basic Commands



key function
h, left go left one character
j, down go down one line
k, up go up one line
l, right go right one character
e, E go to end of word, WORD
w, W go to begin of next word, WORD
b, B go to previous word, WORD

Go to line

  1. :
  2. 123 type the number of line you want to go
  3. Enter to go

Search words

  1. /
  2. word type the “word” you want to find
  3. Enter to start searching
  4. n / N to search next/prev

Search current word

  1. move cursor to the target word
  2. # / * to find prev/next


command function
yy copy current line
yw copy current word from cursor
p paste after cursor/line
u undo
dd delete current line
x delete current character

Enter insert mode

key function
i enter insert mode before the cursor
I enter insert mode at the start of line
a enter insert mode after the cursor
A enter insert mode at the end of line
o enter insert mode at a new line up
O enter insert mode at a new line down

File operation

  1. :
  2. command type the command
  3. Enter to go
command function
w save
q quit
wq save & quit
q! don’t save & quit
e refresh file
e! discard change and refresh file

Some Skills

Comment / Uncomment


  1. Ctrl + v enter block visual mode
  2. j/k to select lines
  3. I to insert at the beginning
  4. // to add characters
  5. Esc to finish


  1. Ctrl + v enter block visual mode
  2. j/k/h/l to select characters
  3. x to delete


Ctrl + p


Replace all xx to yy in this file. Confirmation required. :%s/xx/yy/gc

Replace xx to yy between line 10 to 100. Confirmation not required. :10:100s/xx/yy/g


vim cheatsheet